The Story Behind Shooting Cake

"Shooting Cake" is more than a mere name; it's a heartfelt salute.

The Origin of Shooting Cake

In the early stages of my photography journey, my weekends were devoted to wedding photography, leaving little time for personal messages. When asked what I was up to, I often gave the same definitive reply: "I'm shooting cake." This quick response was my way of conveying I was currently fully engaged behind the camera, knee-deep in capturing wedding details.

The Evolution of Shooting Cake

Over time, "Shooting Cake" transformed from a simple phrase into something deeper. The name now symbolizes my fervor for capturing sensuality and allure through boudoir photography, with a personal affinity for the classic '40s and '50s pin-up style known as 'Cheesecake Photography’.

At Shooting Cake, we don't just embrace the name as part of our history; we incorporate it into our playful boudoir add-on experience, the ‘adult’ version of a Cake Smash. Because, after all, no pin-up image would be complete without a touch of ironic play—explore our Cake Smash Gallery!